If you didn’t know this already, I am Scottish but currently attending Staffordshire University Down in Stoke-on Trent. So I thought for this blog I would discuss some news from where I am from, Fife.
I was browsing through the Scotland BBC News pages and came across an article about the Forth Rail Bridge.
Since I could remember, every time I went on the train to Edinburgh there was always some sort of work getting done on the Forth Rail Bridge but never actually understood what. But after seeing this article about the painting that has been getting done, it makes all sense now.
For the past 10 years the bridge has been getting a paint job, previously the bridge would get painted and once it was finished it would need repainted as it takes over a year to paint fro one side to the other.
There was a new paint which, “A 400-strong team applied a triple layer of new glass flake epoxy paint. It creates a chemical bond to provide a virtually impenetrable layer to protect the bridge's steel work from the weather.”
This paint job cost £130,000,000 and is only going to last 25 years. This means in 25 years time it will cost yet about £130 Million (or maybe more depending on what other technologies are out by then) is it worth it?
Yes I believe it, yeah okay it cost hell of a lot of money and will only last 25 years but every time I see that bridge when im home, there’s always white scaffolding around it. In my opinion the scaffolding was ruining the aesthetics of an amazing looking bridge. Now that the work has stopped people will get to see he the bridge in its glory, so I think it was definitely worth it.